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So I say, "It's a landscape painting."

28 Apr - 30 May 2021

The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School

So I say, “It’s a landscape painting.”
Ho Kai Yim, Clint
Kan Kiu Sin, Tobe
Kong Chun Nga, Kitty
Lau Yin Yeung
So Yin Kwan, Jody
Yip Man, Manny

Curated by Kong Chun Nga, Kitty

So I say, “It’s a landscape painting.” is an exhibition by six Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) alumni who are from the class of 2017, majored in painting. As enthusiastic painters, the exhibition showcases their ongoing investigation into the role of painting in the construction of a unique language. From scribbling of everyday thoughts, photos to paintings, the artists disclose their personal narratives bound up with their own biography, revealing events, dreams or emotional states.
Whereas the paratext of the exhibition hints upon the generic idea of “landscape painting”, the curator has written a note for guidance:

Once the painting is completed, death begins; “it” will sink endlessly and dissolve in the cold shards of ultramarine, which is infinite.
Some infer that the shards must contain an absolute sky. I prefer to dream that the surface represents a world reduced to a smooth vertical surface, like a slab of opaque glass. And when you look through the glass, you shall see birds singing as if they are hiccuping in a blue forest.
Now you might ask what is “it” to be exact, but to speak of it is to refuse. So I say, “It’s a landscape painting.”
—Kong Chun Nga, Kitty

So I say, "It's a landscape painting."
Exhibition Period : 28 Apr–30 May 2021
Opening reception: Tuesday, 27 Apr, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Address: The GALLERY of Hong Kong Art School, 10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Opening hours: Mon–Sat 11am–8pm Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
There will be two artist sharing sessions for the exhibition (In Cantonese only, please refer to the Chinese version below).


六位畢業於香港藝術學院(主修繪畫)的藝術家將於《而我會說:「這是一幅風景畫。」》展出他們新近的創作成果,籍此探究繪畫作為創造媒介的獨特語言。從每天的摘錄、相片至繪畫作品,藝術家透過創作探索並揭示著不同的可能方式,讓畫布上留下種種的個人經歷、似曾相識的回憶、夢境和 情感的絮語。
當畫作完成,「它」的死亡也隨即而來;「它」將無止境地沉淪並溶化為冰冷無垠的群青色碎片。 有些人相信碎片中裝載著一個天空。而我則想象畫作的表面是一個平滑垂直的世界,就像一塊䑃朧 的玻璃。若透過這玻璃觀看,你會看到一群鳥兒在藍色的森林裏如打嗝般地歌唱。

展期:2021 年 4 月 28 至 5 月 30 日
開幕酒會:2021 年 4 月 27 日 (星期二)6:00-8:00pm
地點:香港藝術學院藝廊 (The GALLERY of Hong Kong Art School),香港灣仔港灣道 2 號香港藝術中心 10 樓

日期:2021 年 5 月 8 日(六)1:00pm-4:30pm 兩場講座將以粵語進行,並於香港藝術學院 Facebook 專頁直播。
《說 · 風景 · 畫》

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