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An Ordinary Landscape (On Gormley's sculpture)

Fitzgerald once wrote in The Great Gatsby, "In the city, there are only the pursued, pursuing, the busy and the tired."

I see the stagnation of the sculpture as a disruption and silent protest against the city. Beyond his rigid eyes made of iron and fiberglass, there is a naked man who does not suffer. He is in the world that we are living in, yet separated by pieces of glass, concrete and metal. He declares his position on top of everything, like a foreigner colonizing the land under his feet. His standing posture represents nothing but everything—the long queues of people coiling around bus stops and MTR stations; the salesperson standing on his one leg after a long day, the person who is waiting for his food in disposable lunch boxes; and me, I see myself standing as well, naked in front of a glass mirror. What am I? Where am I standing in this city?

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《克拉拉與橘貓貓》展覽筆記 / Exhibition Notes of "Klara and the Orange Cat"

受石黑一雄所著的《克拉拉與太陽》啟發,我開始了這個展覽的構思。在中環的辦公室裡,我幻想自己是一個不需要太陽能的機械人(在書中稱為 Artificial Friend,簡稱AF)。午餐時間,我寫下了展覽計畫書,並開始繪畫自畫像、窗外風景以及在草地上發呆的小鳥。  ...


Where I was born was a planet Round as an orange As I sit in front of a rectangular window Staring into the flurry of sunlight Pouring...

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